We had a lovely evening enjoying the food and a couple of drinks. Was a wonderful way to relax.
The next morning however, was when the fun stuff began. We spent the entire day in the air conditioned craft room crafting. L was working on some scrapbook pages.
And I did some crochet and cross stitch. I finished the scarf that I was doing for my sister. I think it looks great.
The cross stitch is a long way from finished but I did get B's help with something. Several months ago before the shop closed I commissioned a young friend to make me some frame stands. These are just a V shaped arm with a bolt and wing nut to hold a tapestry frame. I needed holes in my tapestry frame to attach the frames stands. This is where B helped.
It is such a great little device... allows you to set it up at a table or on the arms of a chair and just stitch away. I will say that ending off is a little more annoying as you have to turn it over and around to be able to get the right direction for the sew under. But this annoyance is so minor compared to the freedom it allows. Working two handed is great.
I just have to come up with a way of being able to easily see my patterns. An A4 stand isn't big enough as I blow up the patterns onto A3 sheets for easier seeing and marking off. I'll have to think about this problem a little longer....unless someone else can think of something.
It is so nice to just be with a good friend and do something we enjoy.
what a wonderful weekend away with a friend!