Friday, December 4, 2009

Learning to be gracious

I am part of a group of people who are "coupledom challenged" other words we live on our own and don't have the blessings or the aggravations of having a spouse. Our ages range from our twenties up to our seventies....some are divorced, some are widowed, some have never married.

Some of us find the practical day to day stuff of looking after a house and yard difficult. Others struggle with feeling alone and disconnected. All of us want to feel useful and loved and when alone it is difficult to do that. So....

This group started to meet with the view to look at how we could help to meet the needs we each had in our lives. This has been working well for us as we have started to make the effort for ourselves and others. Each of us taking a good look at ourselves and our lives and admitting that we don't necessarily have it all together and need some help.

One friend and I meet regularly to cook dinner for each other....this makes sure that both of us have at least one decent cooked meal a week. Mind you I think she is much better at cooking for herself than I am. I think she is far more used to looking after herself as that is what she's always done. I still find it different being on my own and don't seem to be able to find the desire within myself to cook for me. I hope over time that I will adjust and start to enjoy being able to do that.

The "SSB 1" (Senior Social Butterfly) suggested a picnic/BBQ as a social gathering for us so that we could just get out of the house and enjoy other company. This was an idea everyone loved and we started planning. It was then realised that one of us had a birthday very close to the chosen date as did the fiance of another in our group. We decided it would be nice to have birthday celebrations as well.

The "Project Manager" went into full swing getting out invitations, checking on RSVP's, organising menus with the SSB1 and SSB2 (they travel in pairs hehehehe), the venue surveyed and approved, back up venue in case of extreme heat or rain had been chosen, the food and who brings what was decided...all was ready to go.

Then the one who is to leave our group as they will no longer be a single but a couple informs me that the family, who has no relationship to the group at all has been invited. What was to be a 'group' gathering for the purposes of edifying and building the 'group' turned into 'the fiance's birthday party'.

What can you do or say.... other than smile and be gracious.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm tough one. I think you have it though, it would be difficult to raise n the midst of the event, only could be done well in advance or later, privately.
