Sunday, December 20, 2009

Procrastination leads to Paralysis

Well, here it is the last Sunday before Christmas and I've gone to church and realised that there WON'T be another opportunity to hand out cards or gifts to all those I wanted to bless.  I was in great company though as the Pastor's wife also had the shock of... Oh No...there's NOT another Sunday before Christmas.

So, what to do about it.  I won't be able to get to church on Christmas day as I will be having breakfast with my children so I'm thinking I might have to spend some time in the evenings taking things to people especially.  You know...that might be an even nice thing to do.  However, I still have to make the cards.  Here is where the procrastination comes in.

I've been procrastinating for months now on the card making; making the excuse that I couldn't get to my card making stuff when in actual fact I could...just with a bit of effort and the thought, there's plenty of time yet.  Now, I have a job and only 4 or 5 evenings left to make and distribute and the pressure is on.  And  the paralysis descends. 

I've got several cards I want to make, gifts that need finishing and wrapping, housework that must be done before Christmas as my Christmas plans have changed and I'll now be doing a lunch at home with my youngest (#3) son and a friend and her son who is about the same age.

I am now sitting here looking at all that I need to do, and want to do and feel I should do and going... I don't know where to start!

1 comment:

  1. yeah that procrastination is a killer and it usually comes with its friend paralysis... take it easy and do what you can. no pressure. put on some happy music and tidy in short bursts with a berak in between to rest, set a timer if that helps. if it doesn't get done, it won't matter - really it won't. yo're doing great - even if you don't think you are.
    another thoought... do the cards have to be christmas cards? If you don't get time to make all of the ones you want to make before christmas, then make nice ones and give to folks gradually with the messages that you want to give them. it will still be special and may even be more so since there is so much in the lead up to christmas and then it all stops.
